If Recovery From Addiction is Possible

Why Was I Finding It Impossible?

If you’re daunted by the thought of giving up your addiction, you are not alone.   Starting the process of recovery is overwhelming to everyone.   I was totally overwhelmed.    And, for me “recovery” didn’t come easy.   I struggled for a long, lonnng time.  It was miserable and I started like I just couldn’t make it with the info everyone offered me.  I needed more then what treatment and “the literature” provided.   As I tried my best to “recover” I failed constantly  - and worse - I still felt alone in the world.  It was clear to me, I needed more information to navigate the biggest challenge of my life.   And what I really needed, looking back, was to learn how to relate to - and connect with -  some of the people around me.   This seemed impossible.  

Reasons many of us struggle:

  • Recovery from addiction itself is truly complex.  So many - often hard to understand - components 

  • Addicts tend to ISOLATE  - when we’re not in treatment or a meeting, we stay home and ruminate in our negative thoughts (including if we live with a partner or roommate)

  • There are multiple treatment plans or programs whose approaches directly conflict with each other

  • Most Addict’s emotions are so incredibly intense - that staying “sober”  can be emotionally painful and feel unbearable

  • and… Addict’s don’t know how to deal with their feelings - without their “drug of choice”

  • Addicts are notorious for struggling to ask for the help they need

  • In any spiritual program, or in any spiritual discussion in recovery - the “higher power” element can be daunting and very often a “turn off.”ECOVERY from addiction is incredibly difficult